
Monday, September 29, 2008

Life Hacker Asks The Readers for Time-Saving Tips

Life hacker is asking readers their time saving tips in their article Ask The Readers: Your Best Time-Saving Tips?. While everyone is busy giving their inputs, I thought of sharing the Thirty Day Excercise, Steven Covey mentions in Seven Habits of highly successful people. He asks us to work only in our circle of influence for thirty days. This way we can optimize our energies, be calm and efficient. One other best tip I found from the Quick Sprout article mentioned on Life Hacker site was to watch our communication. I am pretty habitual to keep my IMs on forever. This causes lot of people to ping me when they want rather than when I want. These days I am also getting addict to getting mails and somewhere in back of my mind, I feel empty when I don't get one.

Need to watch out.

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